Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome, June EP and Your Up and Comers

If any of you read my original blog (it only had one post) I had to delete it due to financial circumstances.  Stupid me did not read the payment plan and, assumed that $3.95 a month for three years meant I would be charged $3.95 a month rather than all at once.  And I can't afford that right now.  So here we are living the free blogging life.  For now. So, once again, welcome to the new B Side!

Alright, time for a plug.

Head to my homie, June's, bandcamp and take a listen to his EP entitled TheJunEP.  The EP itself is his first solo effort with some original beats and other famous instrumentals that he threw his verses on.  It's more than that, though.

The great thing to me about this EP is that it's a great insight into the scope and identity of June himself.  On TheJunEP, there's almost an eclectic mix of styles from good ol' old school to some hip-hop reggae fusion. It's also a good examination into a rapper refining his skills.  If albums are considered milestones in the career of an artist, EPs such as this one can give the audience a good indication about how in their favorite artists are growing.  June showcases a good amount of his rapping skills and well establishes his identity to the listener (although he doesn't pick a single niche).  He even shows his ability to put down some reggae with a good Jamaican feel.

June himself is local to the Pomona area (currently) and is actually a classmate of mine in the Music department at Cal Poly Pomona.  So support your local artists and give his music a listen!

This brings me to the subject of the up and comers you might be into.

In this day and age of music, large labels are disappearing making it much more viable for more artists to put out their music without having to go through a huge corporation just to get noticed.  What does that mean?

Simply this: more music.

Artists are independent and there is a gargantuan amount of music being put out there.  THIS IS A GOOD THING FOR MUSIC.

But here's where the listeners come in.  No longer are the large labels dictating everything we listen to.  Just like June, artists are making their music on the Internet so they can get noticed by you, the listener.  The responsibility that falls upon as the listener is to promote the music we like.

Meaning, if you like something, TELL SOMEONE ABOUT IT.  Share that shit on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, wherever!  Go tell your friends about this new guy you heard about.  HELP THEM.  Because you're their audience and you like the music they put out.  And if you got to hear it for free, you owe it to them to tell someone about it.

Because in the end, we all win.  The artist's music reaches more ears and is then able to put out more music that you, the fan, want to hear.

So support your local artists and go tell someone about this great artist that you heard.  And don't keep that shit a secret because you don't want fake fans on their nuts.  Who cares?


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